
Police visit MPC

Incursion - children in beginning of week groups will all have the opportunity to hear from the Police and look over their car!

Police visit MPC

Incursion - children in the end of the week groups will all have the opportunity to hear from the Police and look over their car!

Reptile Adventures

Incursion - children in the start of the week groups will all have the opportunity to take part in this incursion.

Reptile Adventures

Incursion - children in the end of the week groups will all have the opportunity to take part in this incursion.

Ambulance Visit MPC

Incursion - Children in the start of the week groups will all have the opportunity to hear from the Paramedics and look at the Ambulance.

Ambulance Visit MPC

Incursion - Children in the end of the week groups will all have the opportunity to hear from the Paramedics and look at the Ambulance.