
Working Bee

One parent only 8am to 12pm Contact the office for further information.

Playgroup 9am

Our playgroup is offered to all children 0 to 5 yrs.  Bring along hat, morning tea and water bottle. $12.00 "come and try" first session, then […]

Committee Meeting

7pm - All members of MPC are welcome to join the committee and staff team at their monthly meeting.

Kindy Photos

MPC 29 Kedron Avenue, Mitchelton, QLD, Australia

Kindy Photos

MPC 29 Kedron Avenue, Mitchelton, QLD, Australia

Kindy Photos

MPC 29 Kedron Avenue, Mitchelton, QLD, Australia


For 0 to 5 year  olds. $10 per family - pay via card or cash. Bring a hat, water bottle and morning tea.