Reflections about Anzac Day
May 18, 2018The aim of this blog is to chronicle some of the ‘what and why’ we do what we do at MPC both individually and collectively, share information and promote thinking. Firstly, a little background.
Mitchelton Pre-Schooling Centre (MPC) is a dedicated three-unit community kindergarten full of natural leafy spaces, a child responsive environment and great ideas. MPC has a long rich history of supporting families in the local community, responding to changing needs, adjusting and adapting structures and practices to meet those needs.
Parents often comment about the positive impact of teachers and educators, many of whom have committed a substantial part of their professional life to MPC. They create meaningful connections with children and families building MPC’s sense of history, community and belonging. They establish environments which foster children’s engagement, interactions, exploration, wonder, play and a strong connection with the natural world to build skills, dispositions and knowledge for children’s lifelong living and learning.
Listening and play are highly valued. Play provides insights into children’s interests, skills, beliefs, joys, what makes them laugh, their anxieties and frustrations, how they learn, their intentions, how they represent their ideas and what they think and feel.
We take time to get to know children while having conversations, watching and playing. We value our conversations with families as we listen to find out more about their child at home and share a picture of their child at kindy. With each interaction we learn more about how they think and learn and this informs our reponses and ways that we can support them.
The child we see is the child we teach!