The story of the lost banner.

Circle of Security Parent Information
April 1, 2019
Disappointment is a good thing!
June 28, 2019
Circle of Security Parent Information
April 1, 2019
Disappointment is a good thing!
June 28, 2019

The news arrived that two MPC banners advertising the Open Day were taken from locations close to kindy. Even though appropriate permits, permission and location time frames were adhered to, someone took them. One wonders why!

The children were also perplexed when told about MPC’s missing banners. We often have ‘mysteries’ when we can’t find a missing puzzle piece or a child’s hat, rejoicing when the mystery is solved. However, the mystery of the missing banner was difficult to understand. The children were keen to have a voice and express their disappointment. The children have had previous success in having their voice heard after emailing the Brisbane City Council.  We notified them about a shopping trolley we had spotted in the creek while on a local walk. The Council thanked us and it was removed by the time we went for our next walk.

Just as we tell others about a lost puzzle piece, the children thought we should spread the word about our lost banners. Some of their comments: “That’s ours!” “We have to walk around the city now and find it!”
When we talked about what we could say to the person who took it, their responses were:
“Stop it!” “Please can we have it back!” “We could make a book about how sad we are.”
We believe that children have a right to voice their concerns and we couldn’t agree more with their words.

I’m looking forward to next week’s discussion to let them know that even though the banners haven’t been returned, we have had not one but two offers to replace our banners. Such a bonus to a not-for-profit community kindergarten. We are very grateful for this gesture. We thank The Branding Business at Stafford for not only replacing them but replacing them in a week. Thank you also to Scott and the team from Harcourts for their offer to help after seeing our Facebook Post.

Aside from saving us the cost of replacement, it is the spirit of giving and community which has warmed our hearts. This is the positive message we’ll be sharing with children. We do live in a great community and have appreciated the messages of support. It’s also heartening for the parent volunteers who freely give their time to plan, organise permits, erect, move each two weeks and remove until next year. This is how our community works together!