Kindness and Caring
June 11, 2020
Thinking and language are entwined.
July 24, 2020I expect reflections and learnings from the COVID pandemic will continue for some time particularly as we step into a holiday break without having to make significant decisions at break-neck speed. I, for one, intend to take a breath, ponder and see where my head goes.
One thing I know for sure is how grateful I am. Grateful for Government funding which enabled us to keep going and grateful for an amazing community of teachers, educators, parents and children. We have certainly had our fair share of anxious moments, challenges, and different perspectives however what has been abundantly clear to me is the support, kindness, resilience and flexibility offered to all.
In a recent report, we were required to consider ‘unexpected benefits for your service during this disruption’. We could list many positive outcomes including increased interactions with children from other groups; stronger connections with nature and the outdoors; increased technological skills; broader connection with families.
We have discovered hidden talents amongst the staff team, different ‘ways of working’ and have clarified values and purpose in our core business of supporting the learning and growth of children and their families. Respect, connections, relationships, play and well-being remain our key focus.
Another thing I know is that we may have managed to manoeuvre our way through this crisis, however many people haven’t and are having to draw on every thread of strength they have to keep going. We may not be walking in those shoes however we hope kindness, empathy and compassion surround them.
Although new words have recently been added to our everyday vocabulary or taken on new meaning, I think the one we must remember is kindness. Kindness to ourselves as well as others. I hope everyone feels many moments of kindness over the mid-year holidays. We’ll be back in two weeks with our buckets re-filled and ready to share!